Working alongside experts in the sector, Green Economy has created an invaluable resource for energy-intensive operators. 

  •  ‘Energy Management For Energy Intensive Firms’ is a new white paper for companies that want to decarbonise without sacrificing productivity.  
  • The document was developed by Green Economy and its partner, The Pilot Group, to demonstrate what is available and achievable. 
  • Key findings include – how energy prices are forcing firms to adapt, the rapid onset of new tech and the scale of the opportunity. 
  • Green Economy, part of The Growth Company, helps green tech firms develop their products while offering solutions and strategies to businesses on their pathway to net zero.  

A newly published white paper has laid bare the realities of the Net Zero challenge while examining the opportunities available to businesses. Created by Green Economy, in partnership with The Pilot Group, ‘Energy Management For Energy Intensive Firms’ takes an in-depth approach to navigating the Net Zero landscape. The document will help businesses that might be heavy energy users to make use of new technologies without sacrificing productivity or profitability.  
Amy House, director of Green Economy, said: “We face a ticking clock to achieve our legal commitment to net zero, and with business accounting for around a fifth of emissions, we must engage our businesses and help them to develop and implement carbon reduction plans that bring tangible results in the next five years.  
“There is a huge and often overwhelming task ahead, but I hope this report will present reasons for optimism, by demonstrating that many of the solutions are within reach and can ensure the UK meets its international responsibilities.” 
The document details case studies from firms that have begun decarbonisation and can demonstrate the immediate impact those changes have made. It also provides step-by-step instructions to help make the move to net zero feel like less of a daunting task, and explores how the businesses making the relevant investment and commitments now are set up to be more competitive in the long term and will be well-set for future shifts in the economy. 
One of Green Economy’s partners and a participant in the white paper, The Pilot Group, specialises in supplying energy management technologies and software to energy intensive firms. The Pilot Group has installed systems at more than 3,000 businesses across the UK and Europe during the past 30 years with guaranteed savings of 25 per cent.  
As the technology has progressed, average savings have increased and over the past two years, installations of their EMS have created average savings of 43 per cent. In some cases, consumption of gas has been reduced by just over 87 per cent.  
Lee Morgan, Managing Director at The Pilot Group, said: “Making choices that reduce emissions can often be seen as purely a cost. Our hope is this whitepaper shows there are options that provide a swift return on investment and help answer the initial tricky questions around capital expenditure. 
“An energy management system can see results from day one of installation across large parts of the year making it important to start the conversations around energy reduction as early as possible.” 
The ‘Energy Management For Energy Intensive Firms’ white paper is available to read in full here. 


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