North West members of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) have worked together to produce a list of ten tips to help firms wanting to move towards net zero emissions.

FSB North West worked with planning and sustainability consultancy the Ethical Partnership to develop ten positive steps businesses can take to reduce their impact on climate change.

In summary, the steps are as follows:

1. Power - use electricity from renewable sources

2. Plant - plant trees or sponsor others to do so on their own land

3. Purchase - buy only assets that are needed, share or rent existing assets with other businesses and challenge suppliers to explain how they are moving to net zero

4. Property - invest in technology to reduce energy consumption in buildings

5. Packaging - avoid packaging where possible and look for natural, recyclable and recycled materials

6. Public Transport - prioritise public transport and share car journeys with others

7. People - provide staff with Carbon Literacy training and ask them for ideas on how to reduce emissions

8. Plan - put a net zero plan in place and promote achievements to customers and suppliers

9. Products - reduce emissions from manufacturing products and delivering services, using advice and support from GC Business Growth Hub if needed

10. Priority - make reducing impacts on climate change the top priority, both in business and personally, and call on others to do the same.


Journey to Net Zero is a fully-funded online programme exclusively for SMEs in Greater Manchester that are at an early stage on the path to net zero emissions. Find out more and sign up here.

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