Family-run solar installers networked their way into new partnerships, generating over £100,000 in sales opportunities.

Meeting new project partners

Keighley-based P4 Solar was first introduced to the Green Economy team in March 2024. Working with Green Technologies Consultant Ben Williamson, P4 Solar was invited to exhibit at Green Economy’s West Yorkshire Networking Brunch, an event designed to bring together businesses operating in the green technology space, and people interested in exploring their sustainability options.

It was at this event that the P4 solar team was introduced to future partners Trust Renewables.

“Speaking with like-minded people in the same space is very helpful,” explains Oli Howard, Business Development Manager at P4 Solar. “We met Trust Electric Heating (TEH) at one of Green Economy’s events. Many companies are swapping out gas for electric heating, which is what TEH specialises in, but this drives up electricity bills; that’s how the relationship came about. TEH installs the heating system, and P4 offers a solar install to offset the energy costs of the heating switch.”

Since being introduced, P4 Solar and Trust Renewables have partnered on multiple projects across West Yorkshire, generating combined sales upwards of £25,000, with a positive pipeline of £75,000 in projects awaiting final decision.

“P4 has been the perfect client for our programme. They’ve engaged with curiosity, and are always happy to send questions our way,” says Ben Williamson, Sustainability & Net Zero Consultant at Green Economy. “The willingness to reach out to us has allowed us to get creative and really utilise our knowledge, experience and networks.”

“As we’ve gotten to know the team at P4, we’ve learned how best to support them, improving the outcomes of the discussions and interactions we have. On a personal level, I found their commitment to delivering projects for community organisations, alongside their planting of 100 trees per completed job, to be inspiring; exactly what businesses should be looking to do.”

Growing the family business

Since joining Green Economy in March 2024, P4 Solar have taken on a series of new staff, including a new installation team, a trainee electrician and a new sales manager. The hires were made in line with their growth plans and a range of new project opportunities.

From when they first started working with Green Economy, P4 have hired four new members of staff. Overall, the team is 17 members strong. One of these jobs was generated as a result of expanding projects accessed through Green Economy.

P4 Solar are committed to maintaining the 5-star reviews they have, a very impressive achievement in the trade industry, and hope to continue this upward growth journey, helping more and more businesses to boost sustainability, slash energy bills, and cut carbon.


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This project is part funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. For more information, visit

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