As we transition to a green economy, the green technologies and services sector is subject to a rapidly changing and expanding environment. The release of key governmental reports can have a huge impact on the market or signify potential growth or risk areas, and the Climate Change Committee’s annual assessment of UK progress in reducing emissions is one of these key reports.
The committee’s report, released in June 2022, reviews current government actions on decarbonisation in line with the sixth carbon budget for the UK which aims to keep warming to well below 2 degrees. Key findings from the report:
The committee also identified major operational risks to delivery, many of which have been grappled with by low carbon SMEs for a while, such as lack of public engagement and business support. This is particularly relevant for the reliance on retrofitting, where there is a poor awareness of the necessity to shift heating technology. This becomes a particularly risky issue when the government are relying on a market-based mechanism for heat pumps, via an obligation on boiler manufacturers to sell a rising number of heat pumps. This is an untested approach with no contingency planning in place, therefore there is a gap on engagement to drive sales of low carbon heating systems.
Skills have been a hot topic since the shift to the green economy has gathered pace, in this report the committee outline the lack of evidence on skills requirements in key growth areas like retrofitting. This feeds into an existing chicken and egg problem of aligning the correct reskilling with the increasing uptake of technology pathway and will hopefully be addressed in the upcoming Action Plan for Net Zero skills.
Adaptation is the much-forgotten topic, when acting in haste to decarbonise the true implications of our changed climate aren’t fully accommodated for. An example of this that the committee identified is that the current governmental plan relies on restoring peatlands without accommodating for the risk to these restored peatlands from increased likelihood of drought, flooding and wildfires. This should be a major consideration for all low carbon products and services providers – how will your services stand up to this risk and have you accommodated for this? As buyers’ adaptation and resilience plans reach maturity this will be a crucial focus area.
The report predictably highlights the need for rapid expansion in most green subsectors, most notably of which is due to the success of EV sales seeing a 78% growth rate the supporting charging infrastructure is lagging behind at 27%. New building regulations stipulating charge point access for both residential and non-residential will help to accelerate these installations.
The committee acknowledge that some strategies and actions are in the pipeline and not yet live, many of which will be released over the next year. The upcoming reports of note will be new or updates to the:
The committee is also exploring longer-term issues over the allocation of costs and benefits of the transition in the coming months, as they develop their own assessment of distributional impacts on households and the Exchequer from the transition to Net Zero.
To read the committees full recommendations download the 2022 Progress Report to Parliament - Climate Change Committee ( and click through to page 515.
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