
Energy saved annually

0tonnes CO2e

Carbon saved annually


Cost savings annually

Laserline Dies manufacture steel tooling for packaging firms with premises in Stockport and Chelmesford. They met with a Sustainability Consultant who conducted a site audit to understand their carbon footprint and to identify where the biggest carbon and cost savings could be achieved.  

Krzysztof Szlezyngier, Technical Manager at Laserline Dies, said: “Like every successful business we are constantly looking at improving our efficiencies, reducing our environmental impact and energy costs. There are a lot of ways these targets can be achieved, but very often the process, return on investments or administration can be long and painful. We were looking for ways to achieve this in the most convenient and least disruptive way. 

“The Green Economy team visited our premises and installed voltage electricity loggers to monitor our usage for a few weeks. This data was vital in helping us to understand how we were using electricity, identifying some quick wins with our weekend and out of hours usage and helping us to understand where we could invest to make the most impactful improvements. 

Following this onsite assessment, the business applied for and were awarded a grant to replace the existing lighting with more efficient LEDs. This led the business to save 23512kWh, 5.43 tonnes of CO2E and around £15,000 annually on energy bills.  

“We also joined Green Economy’s Journey to Net Zero training programme. It brought together all relevant information about environmental impacts and ways of capturing correct and reliable data and has gone into possible improvements and different ways of achieving them.” 

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